Saturday, August 4, 2012

"The greater the challenge, the more glory in overcoming it." -Novak Djokovic

This is Djokovic's motto. I know it's not originally his quote, but I feel like it's close enough. So he just lost out yesterday on the opportunity to play for gold. So now, my two favorite tennis players have to battle it out for the bronze. Naturally, I want Djokovic to win. Yesterday I was in a depressed funk that I couldn't get out of, probably because I was watching tennis videos. I really think he deserved the gold more than anyone else in the Olympics. I love his story, so I'm going to share a video of him on 60 Minutes:

Not only does he inspire me, but he's also a great guy. I mean, he's literally perfect. I think he deserves it more than any other tennis player. Here's an awesome long fan video that is made really well:

So I am super disappointed, but I think that the quote he lives by pertains here. When he wins, I think it means more. He works for everything, and he has overcome so much. That's why he's my favorite. He was also my favorite thing to watch in the opening ceremonies, which were amazing. Here's a picture:

I love his facial expression. He's just so happy to be there!
That's all for today! I'll be back soon.

Friday, July 27, 2012

"A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril." -Winston Churchill

I am SO excited for the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony! There is just something about the Olympics, and the history and tradition of it all, that makes everything magical for a couple of weeks. The world really does come together to compete.

So, instead of blabbering on about the traditions and history of the opening ceremonies, I will just post these videos. If you have a few minutes, they are completely worth it!

Here is the lighting of the Olympic cauldrons from 1968 to present (there are some really cool ones here!):

The official 2012 London Olympic song, by Muse, called "Survival" (but my favorite part by far is Djokovic toward the end):

And to finish off, the last thing I'll post before I go get the tea and crumpets ready for the London opening ceremonies is this video of the Beijing opening ceremonies:

You might have to watch those on YouTube. Anyway, I just really loved Beijing Olympics. They were the most amazing opening ceremonies I have ever seen. While I'll try not to compare the two, I probably won't be able to stop myself from comparing a little bit. Whatever London does, I'm sure it will be a fabulous Olympics anyway. GO Team World! But especially, Go Team Novak!

I might give the weekend a break, but I'll be back soon, so don't worry. See you later!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

"One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half." -Winston Churchill

I know that this is a great quote, and it shouldn't be applied to what I'm about to apply it to, but I'm going to anyway. So, I came home today. My whole family is home together for the first time in a long time. And as wonderful as that is, it's also kind of scary.

Here's to not turning my back on threatened danger. And here's to being able to watch the Olympics with four people that don't know how to calm down and stay quiet. What would the opening ceremonies be without constant distractions that make you miss anything cool that happens? I mean really. Family is necessary.

Enjoy the quote, and enjoy this interview with Tom Hiddleston:

Have fun, and I'll try my best to post a little Olympic tribute tomorrow. I don't know how successful that will be, but I'll try to find some time. Be back tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results." -Winston Churchill

This is what I feel like doing. Unfortunately, I don't look like this.
Honestly, I didn't feel like blogging a whole lot today. I just feel crummy, and my throat hurts. For some reason, when it hurts to speak out loud, I don't feel like talking via typing either.

Whatever I'm feeling, I definitely wanted to blog this quote. Too often, I think, we let this happen. We only appreciate the strategy, without any regard for the actual result. The appearance of something seems better than reality. Sometimes I come across this with the idea of logic. Logic and reason are often portrayed as faults in classic literature, like Doctor Faustus and Paradise Lost. Logic leads to the character's downfall. I'm not saying logic is bad, and if you use it, you'll be the next Satan. Instead, I'm just saying that no matter how beautiful the strategy or logic of the strategy sounds, make sure to check up on the results as well.

I look like this instead.
That's pretty much all that's been on my mind, and that was yesterday. Today, I am just dead tired, and a little annoyed, honestly, because of an accumulation of busy work at my internship, inconsiderate roommates, and sickness. I hate being sick.

So that's all I have to say today. I'll be in a better mood tomorrow, because I'm going home to watch the Olympics! The opening ceremonies are always my favorite part. I love seeing all the countries gather their athletes together and the host country putting on an exhibition of the best they have to offer. I'm in a better mood just thinking about it, actually! I would say "Go Team USU," but really, I root for whoever I feel like deserves it. So for now, "Go Team World." Remember last year, when I was missing the Olympics? I predicted that Djokovic would win that year's U.S. Open, and he did. If you want to read what I thought about the Olympics last year or watch the awesome Beijing opening ceremony drums, click here. That was also a perfect quote for the coming weeks.

And okay, I know this isn't a confessional or whatever, but for some reason, I feel like unloading all of my guilty secrets here. Okay, once upon a time, I thought this weird little teeny-bopper band called One Direction was Justin Bieber x5. I thought they all had weird floppy hair, wanna-be-cool attitudes, and peppy songs about how beautiful their teeny-bopper fans are. Which are all things that are true, turns out. However, despite all that, I have fallen into the trap of the cute little British boy band. Maybe it's because they're British. Maybe it's because I'm secretly in love with the Irish guy. Or maybe it's because somewhere, deep down, I need that uplifting boost their songs give their fans. Whatever it is, take a listen, and judge me accordingly.

Here's my favorite one:

And then the next one:

And their most famous one:

So yeah. Judge me or whatever, but you have to admit. They're a little bit adorable. They just make me happy, which is always good. Until tomorrow, enjoy playing each on repeat. (I know you will.) Be back tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb." -Winston Churchill

Well, I think this quote explains what I was thinking about yesterday. I don't see life as a marathon, where we reach the end only to say to ourselves, "What now?" after we finish the race. Instead of everything leading up to that one big moment where you push yourself further than your body wants to go, I think that life is like an infinite mountain. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, but I feel like on our journey that we call life, our choices help us move our way up the foothills and, eventually, the mountain that looms before us. Every day, we travel the course we choose, either through the brambles or the woods, to get that much closer to the top. We have those moments of clarity, when we reach the top of the next foothill or a clearing that allows us to see how far we've come (or how far we still have to go), but most of the time, we are caught up in what is directly ahead of us and what we are dealing with in that particular moment. There are moments when we don't think our efforts are getting us anywhere. And then there are those moments when we realize we've been going in circles or even been moving down the mountain in our disoriented state. Sometimes we forget to climb a tree and evaluate how far we've come. If we did, we might realize more often that we are moving in a path that we couldn't have predicted, but is getting us where we need to be. 

Winston Churchill is completely right when he says that the journey should provide joy and glory for you. I can't help but think of this quote in the terms of my own faith. I think it really explains how our journey never ends. Even after this life, we'll continue to learn and climb. We are facing an infinite mountain, in which the joy doesn't result from reaching the top, but comes instead from the climb itself. The work involved in progressing up our own personal mountain is where we get our joy and glory, not from being the first one to reach the top.

Well, I don't know if any of this is even making sense. However, I kept thinking of the movie trailer for the new Jack and the Bean Stalk movie. I think it's called "Jack the Giant Killer," and here's the trailer:

Now, I'm not saying life is a bean stalk or anything, I just think that movie looks good. Plus, Ewan McGregor's in it. With really awesome hair.

And here's a lovely song I've been listening to today:

Enjoy! And I'll be back tomorrow with more Sir Winston! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

"We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out." -Sir Winston Churchill

Well I had a great weekend. Although I was quite sick and groggy, I actually enjoyed myself. I'm definitely one of those people that like to snuggle up under a blanket, read a book (or watch a movie), and relax. Having a cold is the perfect excuse to do just that. However, I don't really even know if what I had was a cold. It's summertime! And it's already mostly gone, minus my slightly hoarse voice. So whatever it was, it wasn't too bad, other than the chills, fever, and achy-ness that first hit me right at the beginning. I did make the cake I blogged about on Friday (see here). Here are the delectable pictures. I couldn't choose one, so I'll just post all three, since I'm so proud of myself. I actually succeeded at making this skillet cake, and it tasted delicious!

Chocolate skillet cake + chocolate pecan frosting + caramel + butter pecan ice cream = gooey, moist, delectable cake in a pan. Just add a fork (or two, if you actually want to share . . . ) and a napkin.
Bird's-eye view. See the carmel web over the butter pecan ice cream? 
Glamorous profile shot. You can even see the globs of caramel drizzled seductively over the frosting and ice cream. Oh, and the backdrop of my kitchen table, bowl of extra caramel and all.
I know, I know. This should totally turn into a recipe blog. I can quote the Barefoot Contessa, Julia Child, and Jacques Pepin, while showing off my camera skills as well. No, just kidding. As you know, I can only take as good of pictures as my camera can, and ultimately, my cooking skills aren't quite up to par (read about the failed chocolate popcorn attempt here).

I did have an idea, though. I noticed that the week leading up to my blog's birthday, when I had a prompt to write for each day, I had funner blogging each day. It wasn't forced, and I was more open to the natural flow of words. It also helped that I pretty much lived alone for a while. But now my roommate's back, and my words have become a bit held back. I don't have as much time to sit back and ponder about things, because instead of thinking about things before I publish them to cyberspace, I blurt things out to defend myself, prove myself, or punish myself. That's why I feel like today's quote by Sir Winston Churchill is so valid. I definitely know exactly how my thoughts work, and those unsaid words combine to form my unsaid opinions. However, when I blurt things out half-formed or unfinished in reaction to something or someone, those words become my master. They can be used mercilessly against me, and I can be judged against them. I think that is one of the scariest things about putting your thoughts and opinions out there. Most of the time, especially with opinions, they face scrutiny and comparison to everyone else's personal opinion. Naturally, everyone thinks that their opinion is right, at least for themselves. I just don't see why once stated, our opinions become absolutely written in stone. Like our unsaid words, why can't they change and develop with everything we learn and experience. Isn't that a symptom of life? Everything changes and develops.

However, once we state our opinions, if we decide to cut this part there and add this slice in there, we're unable to make up our minds. However, perhaps this is just a willingness to let life and it's experiences change us. This quote is very true. And in some things, it is necessary to hold people to their word, but with opinions and ideas, let them change. Let your own change. I know that for a while, I wouldn't budge from my opinions as someone attacked me. I would throw them out in front of me and build them up with stubbornness as their reinforcement. I think this is a natural reaction to argument, but I just sat there, listening to all these things I'd honestly never thought of before and couldn't let the person know she'd won by changing my viewpoint on something. Because she did. This person changed so many of my opinions about things. I go back now, thinking about all of my opinions that she weakened with her skillful logic and reason, and I wonder why I let her rip them down. I had no confidence in my own opinions, because they were based on little ideas I'd had when I was a teenager. Most of them were from my parents or family. But they are so much stronger now, because from the constant bombardment, I have developed my own opinions. They aren't fully formed, not even close. But they aren't my parents' opinions, they aren't my sisters opinions, nor are they my friends' opinions. Each had their effect, some stronger than others, but they all helped shape my opinions. I get a little wary of sharing my opinions, especially to those people around me that can attack them with all the facts they know, but I hope as I gain experience, I'll gain confidence in my ideas and opinions.

Well, after that tangent, I'll go back and tell you about the idea I had for my little blog. Since I had a hard time choosing between two great Churchill quotes, I'm going to dedicate this week to Sir Winston Churchill. Not my posts, of course, but each day will be a new Winston quote, just because there are so many. He was a smart man, and I love his words. I'm sure most of his quotes will bring out some unforeseen rant in me. It will surely be fun. I already have some great ones lined up. Maybe it'll have to be two weeks. . . .

Well, until tomorrow, I'll leave you with a quote and a video. First the quote, which is another Winston one. I thought it pertained too well to today's rant, so I couldn't leave it out.

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber." -Sir Winston Churchill

I just love that. So simple. So true. And here's the video! I was rewatching some old videos I loved, and I remembered this one from my German class. Take a look (don't worry, there are subtitles), and pay special attention to the beautiful soccer team. Such a beautiful, beautiful sport. . . .

Okay that's all for today! I'll be back tomorrow. So until then, hit the repeat button a couple of times to savor in the fabulousness of this commercial, look up a couple airline flights to your destination of choice, and make a skillet cake. Have fun!

Friday, July 20, 2012

"Isn't it odd how much fatter a book gets when you've read it several times? As if something were left between the pages every time you read it. Feelings, thoughts, sounds, smells . . . and then, when you look at the book again many years later, you find yourself there, too, a slightly younger self, slightly different, as if the book had preserved you like a pressed flower . . . both strange and familiar." -Cornelia Funke

Well, unfortunately I'm still sick today. However, instead of taking a two hour nap and being groggy for the rest of a perfectly good Friday, I've decided I will read The Historian, maybe go shopping with my roommate, then make a skillet cake. Take a look: Gooey Chocolate Skillet Cake. Doesn't it just look delicious? So I might try that. Let's hope it turns out better than my chocolate popcorn . . .

In other news, here's a great couple of videos I found on YouTube (and really, although it seems like I spend a lot of time on YouTube finding these great videos, I really don't):

Part 1:

Part 2:

And here's a clip of Maggie Smith and Penelope Wilton that I just think is hilarious and sweet. Maggie Smith is amazing.

So enjoy! I'm off to the store to get buttermilk so I can make my delicious (hopefully) cake and get better. See you soon!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"I do not just want to read books; I want to climb inside them and live there." -Anonymous

That quote is especially true right now. I seem to have come down with a cold. A nasty one too. Everything's sore, and I am SO tired. However, I couldn't go to bed without sharing something. So here is a picture I think of when people tell me to be optimistic. I feel like the elephant.

In this time of sickness and struggle, just remember this: it's okay to be down and out for a couple days, which is exactly what I plan to do. I'll watch some Downton Abbey, drink some orange juice, and curl up with a book and take a well-deserved nap.

Be back soon!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home." -J.K. Rowling

Boo grows up for Toy Story 3
I just found this online somewhere, and it completely boggled my mind. Apparently Boo from Monsters, Inc. makes an appearance in Toy Story 3. I knew that the superhero movies made by Marvel all had references to each other (leading up the the big one, a movie called The Avengers). I didn't realize that Pixar did this as well. Pixar confirmed that they used the same voice for both these characters, so my obvious conclusion is that the girl shown in the daycare is a slightly grown-up Boo. Here's the video if you need more proof.

So decide for yourself. I'm going with it. I think it's Boo. This video led me to a few other clips from Toy Story 3, which I only saw once, in a drive in theater, right before I went off to college. I feel like my generation grew up with characters like Andy in Toy Story and the whole Harry Potter gang. I can't help but feel proud to grow up with such wonderful, legendary stories. I watched a few great clips of Toy Story 3, but my favorite one sums up everything I want to convey today. Here's the ending scene of Toy Story 3. I couldn't help but tear up a bit while watching this. It's just wonderful:

The ending of this movie was just so beautifully sad, it's hard not to cry. Especially since I feel like I went through the same thing, and am still going through it, as I moved away from home and am trying to find where I'm going in the world. Another video worth watching is this one about the growth of the Harry Potter characters. The story, the characters, everything about the Harry Potter series defines my generation. It is something that will never be forgotten and will surely never leave my heart. Here's a fan made tribute that also makes me tear up a bit:

I grew up with these books and movies. I was the perfect age to get the book or movie at the same time the characters would receive their next Hogwarts letter. It felt special to go through them with so much time spacing it out. As great as it is to have marathons and watch a whole show or read a whole series in only a couple days, there is something special about having to wait for the next installment. With waiting comes anticipation, which is one of the greatest feelings when it's rewarded with something that far exceeds the mind's expectations. 

So in our rush to get every good thing in life, maybe we should spread things out a bit. If we spoil ourselves too often with being lazy on our computers, then it stops being a novelty. If we work and accomplish things, then sit down to relax on the internet, that time is well-earned and enjoyed that much more. If we read a few chapters of a book at a time, we have time to dwell on those things we read while we accomplish other things, and we bring a fresh and more extensive understanding to the book the next time we sit down to read it. I'm not suggesting that we completely disregard life's little pleasures for the sake of moderating ourselves. I just think that indulging too much in a good thing can make us ungrateful for the amazing things we experience daily. 

In a world where everything is just a mouse-click away, let's moderate our actions and not be those who are never satisfied with what we have. Let's not disregard life's little pleasures as trivial or easy to come by. Let's work for what we get, and let it be that much more sweet. Instant gratification is highly overrated, so let's keep a little bit of mystery and moderation in our life. Most of all, let's not get bored with all that we have, and truly respect life for what it is. 

Until tomorrow, here's the song from the Harry Potter tribute video, which I really like:

So sit for a few minutes and listen to it. See you back here soon!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Still round the corner there may wait a new road or a secret gate." -J.R.R. Tolkien

I couldn't format the title just right, so here's the full quote:

Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate
And though I oft have passed them by
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun.
~J.R.R. Tolkien~

I think that this speaks for itself, so I won't tarnish it by trying to embellish it with my thoughts and deductions. 

Today I've had an interesting day. I won't go into the gory details, because they're unnecessary things to dwell on. However, I've realized how easy it is to become less than content with what I have. I have been born into a free country, and I can write about anything I choose. My family isn't struggling paycheck-to-paycheck, so I have the means to go to a university and learn and experience new things. I have mostly supportive people around me in the form of friends and family. Despite all these things, however, I can still manage to be discontent. Honestly, though, what right do I have to be discontent when I have been given all of these wonderful things? 

I'm not saying that I'm unhappy, because I'm not. I do consider myself a happy person, most of the time. However, sometimes I enter into this stage between happy and unhappy, where I feel like I'm neither. I can only explain it as not being content with what I have. I guess it mostly stems from not really understanding much about what I'm doing or who I'm becoming. I feel almost like I'm in limbo, just hanging out, waiting for the scales to tip one way or another. I can't really explain it much better than that.

Let's just say that today, I feel like the scales are leaning down, and it's not a good feeling. I feel like instead of waiting to see which way the scales are going to tip, I need to actively work on some things. I can't always be waiting for things to happen to me. Making things happen takes work, dedication and, for me especially, courage, but I can't passively wait for things to happen anymore. The waiting game is one game I refuse to play if the solutions already exist. Instead of waiting for them to find me, I have to go out and find them.

So, with that, here's a video that I found last night. I quite like it (I prefer it in HD):

And I think that'll be all for today. I'll be back soon!