Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate
And though I oft have passed them by
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun.
~J.R.R. Tolkien~
I think that this speaks for itself, so I won't tarnish it by trying to embellish it with my thoughts and deductions.
Today I've had an interesting day. I won't go into the gory details, because they're unnecessary things to dwell on. However, I've realized how easy it is to become less than content with what I have. I have been born into a free country, and I can write about anything I choose. My family isn't struggling paycheck-to-paycheck, so I have the means to go to a university and learn and experience new things. I have mostly supportive people around me in the form of friends and family. Despite all these things, however, I can still manage to be discontent. Honestly, though, what right do I have to be discontent when I have been given all of these wonderful things?
I'm not saying that I'm unhappy, because I'm not. I do consider myself a happy person, most of the time. However, sometimes I enter into this stage between happy and unhappy, where I feel like I'm neither. I can only explain it as not being content with what I have. I guess it mostly stems from not really understanding much about what I'm doing or who I'm becoming. I feel almost like I'm in limbo, just hanging out, waiting for the scales to tip one way or another. I can't really explain it much better than that.
Let's just say that today, I feel like the scales are leaning down, and it's not a good feeling. I feel like instead of waiting to see which way the scales are going to tip, I need to actively work on some things. I can't always be waiting for things to happen to me. Making things happen takes work, dedication and, for me especially, courage, but I can't passively wait for things to happen anymore. The waiting game is one game I refuse to play if the solutions already exist. Instead of waiting for them to find me, I have to go out and find them.
So, with that, here's a video that I found last night. I quite like it (I prefer it in HD):
And I think that'll be all for today. I'll be back soon!
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