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Bird's-eye view. See the carmel web over the butter pecan ice cream? |
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Glamorous profile shot. You can even see the globs of caramel drizzled seductively over the frosting and ice cream. Oh, and the backdrop of my kitchen table, bowl of extra caramel and all. |
I did have an idea, though. I noticed that the week leading up to my blog's birthday, when I had a prompt to write for each day, I had funner blogging each day. It wasn't forced, and I was more open to the natural flow of words. It also helped that I pretty much lived alone for a while. But now my roommate's back, and my words have become a bit held back. I don't have as much time to sit back and ponder about things, because instead of thinking about things before I publish them to cyberspace, I blurt things out to defend myself, prove myself, or punish myself. That's why I feel like today's quote by Sir Winston Churchill is so valid. I definitely know exactly how my thoughts work, and those unsaid words combine to form my unsaid opinions. However, when I blurt things out half-formed or unfinished in reaction to something or someone, those words become my master. They can be used mercilessly against me, and I can be judged against them. I think that is one of the scariest things about putting your thoughts and opinions out there. Most of the time, especially with opinions, they face scrutiny and comparison to everyone else's personal opinion. Naturally, everyone thinks that their opinion is right, at least for themselves. I just don't see why once stated, our opinions become absolutely written in stone. Like our unsaid words, why can't they change and develop with everything we learn and experience. Isn't that a symptom of life? Everything changes and develops.
However, once we state our opinions, if we decide to cut this part there and add this slice in there, we're unable to make up our minds. However, perhaps this is just a willingness to let life and it's experiences change us. This quote is very true. And in some things, it is necessary to hold people to their word, but with opinions and ideas, let them change. Let your own change. I know that for a while, I wouldn't budge from my opinions as someone attacked me. I would throw them out in front of me and build them up with stubbornness as their reinforcement. I think this is a natural reaction to argument, but I just sat there, listening to all these things I'd honestly never thought of before and couldn't let the person know she'd won by changing my viewpoint on something. Because she did. This person changed so many of my opinions about things. I go back now, thinking about all of my opinions that she weakened with her skillful logic and reason, and I wonder why I let her rip them down. I had no confidence in my own opinions, because they were based on little ideas I'd had when I was a teenager. Most of them were from my parents or family. But they are so much stronger now, because from the constant bombardment, I have developed my own opinions. They aren't fully formed, not even close. But they aren't my parents' opinions, they aren't my sisters opinions, nor are they my friends' opinions. Each had their effect, some stronger than others, but they all helped shape my opinions. I get a little wary of sharing my opinions, especially to those people around me that can attack them with all the facts they know, but I hope as I gain experience, I'll gain confidence in my ideas and opinions.
Well, after that tangent, I'll go back and tell you about the idea I had for my little blog. Since I had a hard time choosing between two great Churchill quotes, I'm going to dedicate this week to Sir Winston Churchill. Not my posts, of course, but each day will be a new Winston quote, just because there are so many. He was a smart man, and I love his words. I'm sure most of his quotes will bring out some unforeseen rant in me. It will surely be fun. I already have some great ones lined up. Maybe it'll have to be two weeks. . . .
Well, until tomorrow, I'll leave you with a quote and a video. First the quote, which is another Winston one. I thought it pertained too well to today's rant, so I couldn't leave it out.
"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber." -Sir Winston Churchill
I just love that. So simple. So true. And here's the video! I was rewatching some old videos I loved, and I remembered this one from my German class. Take a look (don't worry, there are subtitles), and pay special attention to the beautiful soccer team. Such a beautiful, beautiful sport. . . .
Okay that's all for today! I'll be back tomorrow. So until then, hit the repeat button a couple of times to savor in the fabulousness of this commercial, look up a couple airline flights to your destination of choice, and make a skillet cake. Have fun!
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